Saturday, August 28, 2010

pope time

I'm thinking of joining the priesthood. Going to a Catholic hike skoll I know that the Church is always looking for new priests. That kind of job security is awesome. It's not like I'm religious, but I figure I can convince whoever is in charge of letting people become priests that I really want to be a priest. I know that deceiving a priest is probably not the best move, but at least I wouldn't be trying to bang some young boy, or hiding my boy banging friend. Also, I never get to have sex with women and I'm perpetually broke. I might as well have a reason for that. I mean as a priest those are job requirements right?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

random thoughts

I dated this girl who didn't want to be judged by her appearance so naturally she thought it a good idea to get a boob job. I should have stopped dating her immediately because she was not very smart, but I think I may have been distracted by her rockin' new boobs. The moral of the story is that you should hang on to rockin' boobs as long as humanly possible. *The More You Know*

Saturday, August 7, 2010


i have contact lenses, but they aren't the standard contact lenses. i have gas permeable lenses. these lenses are hard lenses that very few people have. the most recently that i have had a lens replaced was around halloween of 2003. i can't recall which lens was replaced then, but because that was the last lens i had replaced i know that my least old contact lens is less old than my godson who will be going into kindergarten in the fall. i would totally replace said lens if i could afford to see a magic eye doctor but i can't. achoo! god bless you.

Friday, August 6, 2010

i met modest mouse!

i didn't meet modest mouse. that was just a clever ruse to fool someone into reading. i know i didn't trick anyone because i am the only one to read this blog so far, which sadly is why i don't write more. i could probably use the outlet regardless of whether someone else is reading or not. after all, isn't that how fight club started? i mean seriously i'm not good looking enough to start beating up on myself. i couldn't get some weird looking goth girl that is married to tim burton to be into me. i'm a little bit off, but i'm not tom cruise or mel gibson crazy so its not like anyone is going to pay attention to me. i guess what i'm trying to say is that the fan in my room is not really effective.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

lazy time

i'm gearing up for yet another school year. i should be definitely be done by now but this is the last year for reals. however after a wedding in my home town last weekend with high school friends, i realize i may never grow up to the the adult that they are. it seems rather soul crushing to be them. so maybe i will continue avoiding the real world. granted i don't enjoy a ton of life, but it seems to me that being like them might be worse than my life. i thoroughly enjoy the stupid things i do. plus i don't have to worry about babies. the greatest benefit of not having the sex is never having to worry about pregnancy. i guess if some chick said i got her pregnant i'd demand we go on maury to figure out who the father was. knowing i couldn't have knocked her up because i haven't made it with a lady in over 3 years i'd go on extra cocky like those d-bags that are always on. and when maury told me that i wasn't the father i'd start dancing like a fool. i love maury povich.