Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why most people are the worst.

I think on of the most important personality traits that my generation is sorely lacking is self-awareness.  I'm an out of shape 30-year old who less than a year ago finally got his undergraduate degree.  I just recently started my post-graduation job, and my first full time in about 3 years.  It doesn't pay me well enough to allow me to move out of my parents' home.  I have been living with my parents for the last 3 years..  I haven't been in a relationship in 5 years and I haven't had so much as a blind date in 4 years.  I enjoy drinking and on the rare occasion I have the opportunity to imbibe I often over-indulge.  I'm not say all of this because I'm ashamed of who I am (although some things that happen when I've been overserved, my living situation, and my pathetic lack of a love life are a source of embarrassment at times if only for myself).  I'm saying this because I realize that I have flaws and I shouldn't think I'm better than everyone else or that people that don't like me are "haters" or jealous of me.  Not everyone is going to like me and that's fine.  I also know why they don't like me and those reasons are the same reasons that my friends and family like me.  I'm very opinionated and vocal about those opinions.  If I get going ranting about something (which doesn't take much prodding) I will  get loud and profane and angry.  Friends and family are amused, but its not the best way to make new friends or meet single beautiful ladies.  It's important to know that everyone has flaws, and more importantly to know what specific flaws exist in you, you ignorant mouth breather.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mid-life Crisis

I turn 30 in a few hours and I'm quite unhappy with where I'm at at this point in my life.  I'm overweight, working a pathetic job, I haven't been on a date in 5 years, and I live with my parents in a town where I don't know anyone.  I haven't had any kind of social life in years, and I celebrated my last birthday by watching the women's world cup with my parents.  For all of these reasons I wanted to spend my 30th with friends.  I was offered a job that offered me little other than a little resume padding, very little in the way of compensation, less in the way of a rewarding challenging position, and something to occupy my weekends aside from visiting friends or doing anything. But I needed to take the position because my resume is quite weak.  This meant that I could not celebrate turning 30 with any friends at all.  Because of the depressing state of my life and the fact that I would just be working the day of my birthday and the weekends before my birthday I requested one thing from my parents:  please ignore my birthday.  I will be doing enough thinking about it without you celebrating it and making me think about pathetic my life is.  My dad has mentioned my birthday half a dozen times already tonight.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

fire-able offense

In my job I deal with a lot of people's business information.  A lot more people than I would have ever imagined use AOL as their primary e-mail address in Iowa.  I was not aware that was a thing anymore.  As I get ever closer to hitting 30 on Tuesday next week, the fact that I never even considered that as an e-mail option makes me feel a bit young.  The good kind of young though.  Not the kind of young that I generally feel when I realize that I live with my parents, can't afford to move out, have a job that anyone with an 8th grade education could do, don't have any friends, and will likely never have sex because I'm such a loser.  I've felt that kind of young every day for the last 3 years.  That young is not good.  Being young enough that an AOL e-mail never occurred to you is a good thing.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Gainful employment.

Going to my job every day is exactly like getting kicked in the nuts. It's awful but at least reassuring.  It sucks but it's a job and getting hit hurts but at least it reminds me I have nuts.  There are way better ways for things to interact with my undercarriage just like there are way better jobs for me to have but in this case I guess shitty interaction is better than none.